Tuesday, May 26, 2009


The Johor Bahru Municipality launched a new project for improving the housing environments of the locality in December 2008, using EM technology. The residential area of a unit consisted of 500 square meters and there were 50 – 60 such units. The site was located along a drainage canal, which is a tributary of the Sebron River. However the discharge of waste water from the units developed a foul odor which needed control.

In the first instance, the Municipality subsidized the supply of kitchen waste bins and encouraged residents to recycle wastes. The residents made organic manures from the kitchen wastes and EM fermented rice rinse water (EMFRRW) instead of discharging these into the canal. The EM organic manure and the rice rinse water were used to maintain gardens and plants along the canal. The residents also sprayed EMRRW and activated EM solutions into the canal.

Today the whole area is green – when compared to other housing units. The residents state that the use of EMRRW and EM kitchen waste juice has speeded up the growth of trees and also made the environment cleaner and green. Recently there were schools of fish seen in the canal, a feature not observed earlier. Thus the project is being expanded to add more EM and also EM mud balls into the canal to maintain a clean healthy living environment.

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