Wednesday, March 10, 2010

EM mudball event at the Malaysia's National Zoo

EM mudball became very popular in Malaysia.
The link below is a report on Malaysia's national Zoo project.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

International workhop Feb 2010

Term from 22nd –25th

We accepted 42 participants from 10 countries in this time. The countries are Bhutan, Myanmar, India, New Zealand Malaysia Hong Kong (China) Angola, Sri Lanka, Laos and Thailand.

There are a few people who attended our workshop second time. They took their friends to attend our workshop. Recently, Many people coming our workshop were have relation with our ex participants.

We are very happy to hear their EM activity through the present participants.

The program started from 22nd.

Because Mr. Kanit and Mr. Sakurai were absent during some hours, we could not be held on our opening ceremony like every time we do. Other than this ceremony, the program proceeded without any problem.

Mr. Sano explained Nature Farming and Mr Nishibuchi explained basis information of EM, EM liquid materials and EM solid type materials.

Participants explained their EM activity from the evening. The information participants explaining were good enough to share the information.

On second day, we went to practice EM field after Mr. Sano talked about vegetable fruits and rice lectures. We transplanted watermelon and harvested it. We also ate the watermelon at the field. Mr. Sano also took the participant another EM filed to let participant practice EM land preparation. We went to make EM bokashi at the EM bokashi plant at the Sara Buri center.

Mr. Kanit explained EM forest conservation

The participants explained their EM activity in that night also.

On 24th, Mr. Nishibuchi explained EM using for animal husbandly and Mr Koki Nagamine explained EM environment management.

After each class, we went to practice animal husbandry treatment, make EM feed materials composed by morning glory and go to EM kichen garbage site to inspect how to treat kitchen garbage by EM. We also manufactured EM activated solution for 1 MT tank.

For water treatment we applied EM Dango to the pond with EM Mud balls.

On 25th we imprecated rose garden where is located near Bangkok. Many participant had a good time at the place.

We let participant fill in our question survey. Actually, it has been collected for 2 years.

The result of reputation has been increasing year by year. We keep making effort to improve our workshop contents to satisfy our EM participants.